Student: You have just mentioned the primary health care team. Can you give us some explanations?
Teacher: The health care team is based either in Area Health Authority ( AHA) premises known as health centres or in the privately owned premises of general practitioners. (This kind of care is carried out in Britain and some other countries.)
S: How many members are there in a team?
T: Usually eight to ten, including a health physician, three or four nurses; a health visitor, a home nurse, a practice nurse and a psychiatric nurse, a community midwife, a social worker and a secretarial staff.
S: What is the difference between a home nurse and a practice nurse?
T: A home nurse is likely to be spending much time undertaking domiciliary duties and much of the work is concerned with the elderly and chronic sick and their long term care. Apractice nurse is more likely to be working in the surgery. She may be called on to carry out first aid. form
S: Does the health visitor do technical nursing procedures?
T: The health visitor is not actively engaged in technical nursing procedures. She has an advisory and educational role and is concerned with the prevention of illhealth rather than with curative medicine. She establishes contact with expectant mothers to ensure adequate antenatal preparation and visit new babies. She also gives advice on family planning. A health visitor may be engaged in school health work as well as visiting pre-school children.
S: She must be very busy.
T: More than that. Health visitors have a list of duties such as to advise on the control of communicable diseases. They will be visiting families where there is a handicapped member, with social workers. They may visit families who have suffered with visiting the elderly to advise on health maintenance.
S: I think they are wonder ful workers. I really appreciate their work. With their various duties, the consequence of the primary health care team is amazing.