The human brain controls every action, thought, and process of the body; but what makes the brain function? A network of nearly 100 billion individual cells called neurons or nerve cells, allows the brain to think, remember, hear a symphony, enjoy a sunset, love and imagine. Neurons tell our bodies to move, breathe and create.
The amazing network of neurons that forms the human brain makes it the most complicated brain on the planet.The complexity of the brain, not its size, accounts for its capacity. Dolphins, whales and elephants have larger brains, though in proportion to our body size, ours is the largest. Among humans it appears that brain size doesn't affect intelligence.
An investigation of Einstein's brain after his death revealed that his brain was no larger than anyone else's.Given the brain's complexity, it requires a highly developed system of communication in order to coordinate all of its neurons. This system is based on electrochemical impulses. Like a computer, these impulses travel along circuits. Unlike computers, these signals are created chemically.
These chemical transmissions are called neurotransmitters, and they are responsible for the incredibly rapid communication between neurons. Just imagine how quickly you feel happy after hearing good news. The speed and accuracy of these neurotransmissions are what let us react to the world around us, and ultimately, to survive.